M&A Readiness Deep DiveLet's Get Started!Please complete the forms below For Your Next Step STEP 1: Let's review your business. Business Review"*" indicates required fieldsStep 1 of 119%Email Company Name*Are you a Product or Service focused Organization.* Product Focused (Has Inventory) Service FocusedGENERAL INFORMATIONBASIC PLANNING1. The Company has a clearly defined mission* Yes NoA. There is a written Mission Statement.* Yes NoB. Company is carrying out the mission.* Yes NoC. Mission Statement is modified when necessary.* Yes NoD. Employees understand & share in the mission.* Yes NoE. The Company has a brand and style guide.* Yes NoIf Yes, Please Upload HereMax. file size: 100 MB.2. The Company has a written Sales Plan* Yes NoIf Yes, Please Upload HereMax. file size: 100 MB.A. Market niche has been identified.* Yes NoB. New product lines are developed when appropriate.* Yes NoC. Targeted Customers are being reached.* Yes NoD. Sales are increasing.* Yes No3. The Company has an annual budget.* Yes NoIf Yes, Please Upload HereMax. file size: 100 MB.A. Budget is used as a flexible guide* Yes NoB. Budget is used as a control device.* Yes NoC. Actual expenditures are compared against budgeted expenditures.* Yes NoD. Corrective action is taken when expenses are over budget.* Yes NoE. Owner prepares budget.* Yes NoF. The budget is realistic.* Yes No4. The Company utilizes a 6 month Rolling budget.* Yes NoIf Yes, Please Upload HereMax. file size: 100 MB.5. The Company has a pricing policy.* Yes NoA. Products or services are competitively priced.* Yes NoB. Business provides volume discounts.* Yes NoC. Prices are increased when warranted.* Yes NoD. There is a relationship between pricing changes and sales volume.* Yes NoE. New prices are placed on last-in goods when the price on old stock gets changed.* Yes NoTHE CULTUREPERSONNEL1. Employees know what is expected of them* Yes NoA. Each employee has only one supervisor.* Yes NoB. Supervisors have authority commensurate with responsibility.* Yes NoC. Employees volunteer critical information to their supervisor.* Yes NoD. Employees are using their skills on the job.* Yes NoE. Employees and Management know the Top 5 Strengths of Each Employee.* Yes NoF. Employees feel adequately trained.* Yes No2. Each employee has a job description.* Yes NoIf Yes, Please Upload HereMax. file size: 100 MB.A. Employees can accurately describe what they do.* Yes NoB. Employees do what is expected.* Yes NoC. Employees accountable to specific daily KPIs* Yes NoD. Company untilizes a SCORECARD Process.* Yes NoIf Yes, Please Upload HereMax. file size: 100 MB.E. Work load is distributed equitably.* Yes NoF. Employees receive feedback on performance.* Yes NoG. Employees are rewarded for good performance.* Yes NoH. Employees are familiar with company policies.* Yes NoI. There is a concise policy manual.* Yes NoIf Yes, Please Upload HereMax. file size: 100 MB.3. Preventive discipline is used when appropriate.* Yes NoA. Employees are informed when performance is below standard.* Yes NoB. Unexcused absences are dealt with immediately.* Yes NoC. Theft prevention measures are in place.* Yes No4. Regular employee meetings are conducted.* Yes NoA. Employees' ideas are solicited at meetings.* Yes NoB. An agenda is given to employees prior to the meeting.* Yes NoC. Meetings provide a specific set of outcomes to be achieved by each attendee.* Yes NoIf Yes, Please Provide a Sample of Meeting Template HereMax. file size: 100 MB.OPERATIONSPRODUCTION1. The company has a good relationship with suppliers.* Yes NoA. A well-documented plan addresses how to deal with suppliers.* Yes NoB. Inventory delivery times are specified.* Yes NoC. Levels of quality of materials and services are specified.* Yes NoD. Payment terms are documented.* Yes NoE. Contingency plans are provided.* Yes NoF. Regular contact is made with suppliers.* Yes No2. The company provides for good inventory control.* Yes NoA. Company has an inventory control formula to provide for optimum inventory levels.* Yes NoB. Company has a policy on securing inventory in a timely fashion.* Yes No3. The company conducts incoming inventory inspections.* Yes NoA. Company has a written policy on incoming inspection.* Yes NoB. Incoming inspection is being performed.* Yes NoC. Incoming inspection levels of quality are documented.* Yes No4. The company has alternate sources of raw materials.* Yes NoA. Two or more suppliers are identified for each product needed.* Yes NoB. Majority of raw material requirements are divided equally between two major suppliers with a third source receiving lesser but consistent orders.* Yes No5. The company has a routine maintenance program.* Yes NoA. A routine maintenance program is documented and communicated to all maintenance personnel.* Yes NoB. Every major piece of equipment has a maintenance log positioned in an obvious place.* Yes NoC. Preventive maintenance is a regular occurrence.* Yes No6. The company has a formal operator training program.* Yes NoA. Company has a written operator training manual.* Yes NoB. A progressive training process is in place.* Yes NoC. Accomplished operators are identified to answer questions from trainees.* Yes NoD. Constructive feedback on training progress is provided in a Non-intimidating fashion.* Yes No7. The company attempts to stay current with technological advances.* Yes NoA. Company representatives attend trade shows on a regular basis.* Yes NoB. Company subscribes to trade publications.* Yes NoC. A formal employee suggestion program is in place.* Yes NoD. Company conducts regular technology advancement brainstorming sessions involving the employees.* Yes NoE. Company is involved in the community's extended learning programs.* Yes NoSALES & MARKETING1. The owner knows exactly what the business is.* Yes NoA. The owner knows exactly who the customer is.* Yes NoB. Potential customers know about the business.* Yes NoC. Location is appropriate for the business.* Yes NoD. The market is clearly defined.* Yes No2. The owner knows competitors and their location.* Yes NoA. The owner knows how his or her prices compare with the competitions'.* Yes NoB. The owner knows how the competition is regarded.* Yes NoC. Census data are used for strategic marketing.* Yes NoD. The owner knows the county sales patterns.* Yes No3. The owner is aware of customer needs.* Yes NoA. Feedback is requested from customers.* Yes NoB. Sales receipts are monitored.* Yes NoC. Sales receipts are compared to those from previous years.* Yes NoD. Seasonal variations are taken into account.* Yes No4. The owner and employees focus on customer needs.* Yes NoA. The owner and employees treat customers courteously.* Yes NoB. The customer's concerns, complaints and suggestions are listened to carefully.* Yes NoC. Customers are provided with quick, reliable service.* Yes NoD. The owner is considered knowledgeable by customers.* Yes NoE. Appropriate housekeeping procedures for the business are followed.* Yes No5. The company needs to increase sales volume.* Yes NoA. There is a sales plan in effect.* Yes NoB. Sales goals are being met.* Yes NoC. Effective sales presentations are being made to potential customers.* Yes NoD. Names of prospects are kept in a follow-up file.* Yes NoE. Sales are closed effectively.* Yes NoPlease upload last 6 months CRM and or Sales data here.Max. file size: 100 MB.ADVERTISING & PROMOTION1. The owner has an advertising and promotion plan.* Yes NoIf Yes, please upload here.Max. file size: 100 MB.The Business:A. Has an advertising budget.* Yes NoB. Advertises monthly.* Yes NoC. Advertises weekly.* Yes NoD. Has a promotional calendar.* Yes NoThe Owner:2. The owner uses effective advertising and promotion.* Yes NoA. Advertises in Search Engines.* Yes NoB. Uses mailers, newspapers or shoppers.* Yes NoC. Uses radio and television advertising.* Yes NoD. Obtains no-cost or low-cost media coverage.* Yes NoE. Uses digital media effectively.* Yes NoF. The Company has a website.* Yes NoWebsite AddressG. Uses social media effectively.* Yes NoGoogle Listing AddressLinkedin AddressFacebook AddressInstagram AddressOtherOtherOtherOtherThe Owner:3. The owner uses effective merchandising techniques.* Yes NoA. Relates display space to sales potential.* Yes NoB. Uses vendor promotional aids.* Yes NoC. Knows traffic flow patterns of customers.* Yes NoD. Keeps facilities clean.* Yes NoThe Owner:4. The owner evaluates advertising and promotional efforts weekly.* Yes NoA. Determines if sales increase with advertising.* Yes NoB. Ascertains if sales increase after special promotions.* Yes NoFINANCESGENERAL BOOKKEEPING & ACCOUNTING PRACTICES1. The company has a bookkeeping system* Single Entry Double Entry NoneThe Owner:A. Prepares the books.* Yes Noi. Understands the how and why.* Yes Noii. Prepares own financial statements.* Yes NoB. Pays for bookkeeping service.* Yes Noi. Understands financial statements.* Yes Noii. Has taxes done by bookkeeper.* Yes Noiii. Has compared cost for bookkeeper with that of a CPA.* Yes No2. The company reconciles bank statements monthly.* Yes No3. The company keeps income and expense statements accurate and prepares statements monthly.* Yes NoThe Owner:A. Understands purpose of financial statements.* Yes NoB. Compares several monthly statements for trends.* Yes NoC. Compares statements against industry averages.* Yes NoD. Knows current financial status of business.* Yes No4. The company makes monthly deposits for federal withholding and Social Security taxes.* Yes NoThe Owner:A. Understands Form 941.* Yes NoB. Makes deposits on time to avoid penalties.* Yes NoC. Provides W-2 information.* Yes No5. The company has a credit policy.* Yes NoThe Company:A. Ages billing system monthly.* Yes NoB. Accesses late payment fee from customers.* Yes NoC. Writes off bad debts.* Yes NoD. Has good collection policies.* Yes NoE. Has a series of increasingly pointed letters to collect from late customers.* Yes NoF. Has VISA, MasterCard, or other credit card system.* Yes NoG. Emphasizes cash discounts.* Yes No6. The company files all tax returns in a timely manner.* Yes NoThe Owner:A. Considers tax implications of equipment early.* Yes NoB. Considers buy versus lease possibilities.* Yes NoC. Considers possible advantages/disadvantages of incorporation/Subchapter S.* Yes NoD. Does not pay tax penalties (federal, state, sales).* Yes NoFINANCESFINANCIAL PLANNING & LOAN PROPOSALS1. The company has adequate cash flow.* Yes NoA. Renumbered cash receipts are monitored and accounted for.* Yes NoB. Checks are deposited properly each day.* Yes NoC. Customer invoicing is done promptly (within two working days).* Yes NoD. Collections are received within 60 days.* Yes NoE. Accounts payable take advantage of cash discounts.* Yes NoF. Disbursements are made by pre-numbered check.* Yes No2. The company projects cash-flow needs.* Yes NoA. Payrolls are met without problems.* Yes NoB. Money is set aside for expansion, emergencies and opportune purchases.* Yes NoC. Short-term financing is used when needed.* Yes NoD. Line of credit is established with a bank.* Yes No3. The company understands the role of financial planning in today's highly competitive lending markets.* Yes NoA. The owner's personal resume is prepared and current* Yes NoB. Personal financial statements have been prepared.* Yes NoC. The business has a written business plan.* Yes NoD. Source and use of funds statements exist for the past two years, with a projection for the next two years.* Yes NoE. An accurate balance sheet exists for the past two years and includes a projection for the next two years.* Yes NoF. The owner has a good working relationship with a banker.* Yes NoG. There is a strong debt-to-equity ratio (1:2/1:1)* Yes NoPlease Upload Last 3 Years Financials (P&L, Expense Detail, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Report) HereMax. file size: 100 MB.CAPTCHA STEP 2: Let's see what our brand DNA is. Brand DNAName* First Last OrganizationEmail* What does your business DO, in the simplest terms?* We provide a truly unforgettable experience with unmatched customer service. We offer THE best products and services - always. We’re here to shake things up, make waves, and change the world.What does success mean to you?* Quality, long-term relationships with loyal customers. Financial bandwidth to allocate towards product/service development. Sparking a movement that changes people's minds or behavior.What question do you ask yourself the most, when it comes to innovation?* How can we improve the experience for our customers? How can we make our products/services better, faster, or cheaper? What uncharted territory can we conquer, next?What best describes your pricing strategy?* We price our products/services based on customer usage or service type - it’s all about the experience! We unashamedly price our products/services in accordance with the value they provide, because we ONLY offer the best quality. Freemium - we offer a free trial to win them over, and easily convert people to recurring customers.Surprise! You just got an extra $100K/month to use for marketing. How do you spend it?* Investigating the needs and intrinsic motivations of our target demographics. We want to know who our customers are so we can care for them better! Research and development on a truly amazing new product/service design. This new development will speak for itself! Raising awareness for a new idea - we’ve got to spread the word, and start the movement!We want to be known as a team of....* Empathetic servant-leaders who intimately know and understand our customers. Brilliant developers, engineers, and leaders who offer outstanding products and services. Big thinkers who made a “lifestyle choice” by joining our organization.What’s your approach to inspiring customer loyalty?* To be so beloved by our customers that they wouldn’t dream of going elsewhere. To offer a product/service so superior that the competition isn’t even attractive. We don’t even want customers - we want a zealous community.Let’s imagine your CEO gets famous… what will they be known for?* Unmatched service, excellent communication skills, and unprecedented customer experience. High-level product/service development, continual innovation, and impressive sales figures. Charismatic personality, revolutionary thought leadership, and casting ground-breaking vision for the masses.Your executive team is most likely to approve funding for which project?* A total revamp of the customer experience, from start-to-finish. We’re making the whole process easier and more intuitive for our clients! Developing a new product/service to meet an emerging customer need. Our clients have a problem, and we need to create a solution! A feasibility study on a groundbreaking new concept. Can we actually make this crazy idea a reality?How do you know you’re offering solid value to your customers?* They tell us! Our customers are very loyal, and we get incredible testimonials without even having to ask. Sales are up and brand reputation is high. The metrics don’t lie! We solve problems our customers don’t know they have - and that’s a value that speaks for itself.Our brand personality is most guided by...* The sum of every experience a customer has with our organization -- how we make people feel. The visual presentation of our business — our logo, design style, color palettes, etc. The way our spirit is embodied — a challenge to the world to think and act differently.CAPTCHA THANK YOU FOR TAKING THE TIME TO DIG DEEPER! YOU WON'T REGRET IT!