When To Quit
Over the past several weeks, there has been a distinctive theme in many of my conversations: quitting. Not the type of quitting where you chuck caution to the wind, suddenly exit and blow up the bridge behind you, the type of quitting, where you say no to the excellent, to the exciting, to the work…
Read MoreTransparency
Early on in the process of writing my book, The Tenacious Pursuit of Peace, my incredible book coach, Kim, introduced me to a concept that really challenged me. She told me that, as a writer, I was going to have to grapple with the role that accuracy played in my stories. “Accuracy,” she said, “sometimes…
Read MoreWhat do You Want to be Known For?
The other day, I was working on my TEDx application process. During one of the training sessions, an incredible ThoughtLeader coach suggested that, as we work to narrow down the topic for our talk, we really think about what we wanted to be known for. It was a simple suggestion and there wasn’t even an…
Read MoreHope is an Ineffective Strategy
Busy and Productive are NOT synonyms. All too often we get so busy working in the day-to-day of our businesses, executing the tactical imperatives, that we forget what we are TRULY about. As a business owner with a multi-million dollar business, it isn’t enough to check off the hot burning must-dos every day, to referee…
Read MoreSoaring
Over the past few months, it has felt as though my life went from relentless effort: working and working, planning and building, trusting and adjusting – from tilling the soil and removing all of the rocks, from selecting the seeds and carefully planting them, from diligently finding the weeds and ripping them up from the…
Read MoreBeyond the Obvious: Unveiling the Secrets to Sustainable Business Growth
Recently, I got a very thought-provoking email from one of my mentors. The headline read: “The job of a great coach isn’t to answer their client’s questions. It’s to give them more powerful questions to unearth deep insights within them.” He further suggested that we all pretend not to know what is holding…
Read MoreMastering Difficult Conversations: A 5-Step Guide for Business Success
Are you familiar with that sinking feeling before a tough conversation? For many, it’s hard to conduct a tough conversation both personally and professionally, and thus try to avoid it at all costs. However, as with most things you try to dodge, you pay for it in other ways, such as frustration, stress, loss…
Read MoreEntrepreneurial Agility: A Mountain Biker’s Guide to Business Resilience
What you might not know about me is that I love biking and now that I live in Arizona, I have the luxury of mountain biking in the most beautiful surroundings. One of my favorite areas is the McDowell Mountain Regional Park because it offers a varied landscape and a great mixture of trails.…
Read MoreKnowing it all
As a business owner, people are waiting on us to set a course of action, make decisions, and lead full steam ahead. So, no matter if we are ready or not, there are days when we have to act like we know it all, just to keep things moving. It can feel a bit hilarious,…
Read MoreFrom Resolutions to Results: A Blueprint for Long-Term Success
Do you have New Year’s resolution hangover? Don’t despair, you’re not alone. Statistics show that about 8% of people manage to keep their New Year’s resolutions through January. What’s sad about that is that it often leaves us feeling defeated and ashamed of our lack of willpower, a little bit like a post-party hangover. Even…
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