Your world is a living expression of how you are using your mind.

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APEX One-on-one

Our most exclusive approach to Legacy Development, a private mentorship allows you to have a one-on-one relationship with your coach.

Available with both monthly and weekly coaching sessions, your coach will address your specific needs, crafting custom solutions to bridge the gap between where your business is, and where you want it to be. Together, we’ll walk through any challenges that come your way, ensuring that your goals are accomplished, and your dreams are realized.

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What's Included?

Our most intimate coaching service, Apex provides you with exclusive access to a coach with whom you will address specific needs and develop custom solutions while receiving personalized guidance and building an invaluable relationship.

  • 2 hour Deep dive session
  • 60 minute Semimonthly coaching sessions
  • Monthly Knowledge Intensive with the whole Legacy Leadership community led by founders Madeleine MacRae and Thomas MacDonald.  During the intensive we will introduce a core pillar and take you deep into the curriculum.  (optional)
  • 2 in-person Retreats, with VIP Access per year.
  • 2-VIP tickets to our annual Spark Conference.
  • Continuous access to your coach via text between sessions.
  • Access to recordings of Knowledge Intensives. 
  • Community access via our Circle Community 


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